#Creating and using your own invite link. No local caching; Transfers via Discord webhook; Searches for authorization tokens in multiple directories (Discord, Discord PTB, Discord Canary, Google chrome, Opera, Brave and Yandex) No external Python modules required .setDescription(`**Action:** Ban\n**Target:** ${member.tag}\n**Moderator/Admin:** ${message.author.tag}\n**Reason:** ${reason}`); bot.channels.find("name","mod-log").sendEmbed(embed22222). Not a member of Pastebin yet? 46 min ago, HTML | .setDescription(`**Action:** Mute\n**Target:** ${ToMute.tag}\n**Moderator:** ${message.author.tag}\n**Reason:** ${reasonmute}`); bot.channels.find("name","mod-log").sendEmbed(embed2222). Requires 2Captcha. And Then Give It No SEND_MESSAGE = False Permission!"). Discord Tokens - Buy Sell Trade. You have to create a bot, give it an identification, and then assign it to your server. message.guild.channels.find("name", "getalt-logs").sendMessage(`<@${message.author.id}> has just done getalt command! "); // prevent commands via dm. bot.channels.get('376029065867558924').sendEmbed(embed).then((m) => m.delete(600000)); let getalt2 = bot.channels.find('name', 'getalt'); if(!getalt2) return message.channel.sendMessage(" Please Use This Command In #getalt"), .addField("AltStock","Giving You 1/34 Alts"), .addField("NFA Account", "This Alt May Work On Big Servers! To find your app's ID, head back to the My Apps page under the "Applications" section once again and click on your bot application.. Insert your app's ID into the link template and then access it in your browser. on ("ready", => {console. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Easily get started by pasting your bots token into your dashboard, saving and going online. discord discord spam bot token discord token; Bağlantıyı kopyala Bağlantıyı kopyala ; DeLPiaRRo Yiğit Er. 28 min ago, HTML | An example app for my discord oauth2 tutorial on my medium blog. Never . By ${message.author.tag} For The Reason Of ${reason} :slight_frown: `), const embed22222 = new Discord.RichEmbed(). Cross Site Request Forgery, or CSRF, and Clickjacking are security vulnerabilities that must be addressed by individuals implementing OAuth. hack the account of the person of your choice just with his id to recover the id of the person you have to activate the developer mode. Start with easy command creator, and end with advanced javascript commands. Select from variables to make your bot feel more human and personable. Top Bots - Discord Bot List Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots. Discord.com Tokens for Sale. message.channel.sendMessage(`User Was Muted By ${message.author.tag} For ${reasonmute}`); const embed2222 = new Discord.RichEmbed(). Create announcements for when users leave or are banned, to notify the rest of the server. Do I have ban permissions? 6,384 . Discord Token Brute Force. The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! Türkiyenin en büyük 50 forumu arasındadır. Marketplace to Buy and Sell Discord Tokens. Events, timezones, polls, reminders, customization, archiving, logging and … ").then((m) => m.delete(2000)); // bot.channels.get('365737912874041344').sendMessage("**[:white_check_mark: ]** ``Alternate Drop Activated``").then((m) => m.delete(600000)); bot.channels.get('365737912874041344').sendMessage("**[:octagonal_sign:]** ``No Current Alternate Dropping yet``").then((m) => m.delete(600000)); .setTitle(" Alternate Dropping | Auto-Removing 10 Mintes"), .addField("**No Alternate Accounts**", "No Current Alternate Dropping yet"), .addField("**[:octagonal_sign:]** ``No Current Alternate Dropping yet``"). Colored = bot owner must have 2 Factor Authentication enabled if the server requires 2FA. And that’s all! MixWayz Is A Hacks And Leaks Blog. Discord Servers account-generator Discord servers tagged with account-generator. console.log(`${messages.size} was deleted`); if (message.author.equals(bot.user)) return; const swearWords = ["dang", "stupid", "fuck", "shit"]; if( swearWords.some(word => message.content.includes(word)) ) {. You can try running this code now, in my case the command is yarn dev, and it should say "The bot is online". "), .addField(alts[Math.floor(Math.random() * alts.length)]," ** MineCraft Account**"), // message.channel.sendMessage(":warning: **Alt Generator is reseting please DM InfiniteMaFia**"), bot.channels.get('373261289406988288').sendMessage(`**<@${message.author.id}>** Has just done this command. message.reply("Oh no you said a bad word!!! Run npm install Create a new app at your developer dashboard. text 0.53 KB . (I cant delete them"). A small calculator that generates Discord OAuth invite links. Discord Token Login. An economy bot where you generate Degenerate Tokens. For this tutorial, you need Node.js and npm or yarninstalled. Easily configure your bot on the go with absolutely no coding required. Let’s get into the details. 43 min ago, Python | This version of the grabber only supports Windows. console.log(`[SPY] Ohh yea! Easily configure your bot on the go with absolutely no coding required. Get the weather directly in your server. Create a test server and add the bot on this server 4. return message.reply("Please Give A Valid Reason For The Mute! This is how you would create a new Discord client and use the token to authenticate. "); return message.reply("Please indicate a reason for the ban! Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! Step 8: To get a discord Token, Click on the blue link that says “Click to Reveal Token” (It’s under Build-a-bot tab, beneath your bot username) and then you will see a chain of mixed up letters and numbers, this is your token by the way! Setup your own text, embed and random commands. Simply input your custom tag, and create a response. Don't forget to check it out! Translate between two languages using Google's translation service. message.channel.sendMessage('Removing Member Rank! Permissions Calculator. '); if(ToMute.roles.has(muteRole)) return message.channel.sendMessage("User Already muted! As usual, you always have to do some setup when starting out a project. I've generated you an alt: ` + alts[Math.floor(Math.random() * alts.length )]), .setFooter("Alt Generator | LegacyCommunity"), if (!message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) return message.channel.sendMessage("You Cant Delete Messages Pleb! "), message.mentions.users.first().send(`You Were Muted! "); .setTitle(`LegacyCommunity Alt Generator`), .setDescription(`Hey! 4 min ago, JSON | Get updated Fortnite and Apex Legends stats directly from your own discord bot. I have explained all the steps in this. "); let muteRole = message.guild.roles.find("name", "Muted"); return message.channel.sendMessage("There Isnt A Mute Role! Jan 14th, 2018. 2 hours ago . Degenerate Bot. Enable trading, gambling, automatic role assignment, games and more with BotGhost's economy system. Please Make A Role Called `Muted`(- If Its Not Right It Wont Work! let player = message.mentions.members.first(); if (!message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) return message.channel.sendMessage("Not Enough Perms! node server.js Develop npm install npm run … Promoted View. The process is quite simple. Discord Token Grabber. "), .addField("AltGenerator", "By LegacyAlts"), bot.channels.get("384430257735860225").sendEmbed(embedon), bot.on('messageDeleteBulk', messages => {. Please register or login in order to unlock hidden content. **|||** Sent at: ${message.author.createdAt}`); message.reply("The alt has been sent to your PMs! Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. By ${message.author.tag} For The Reason Of ${reasonmute} `). Sep 24th, 2019. 39,740 . Alp Turan. '); if (message.mentions.users.size < 1) message.reply('You must mention someone to kick them..'); message.guild.member(Member).kick("You Were Kicked For" + reason1 + "From" + "${message.guild.name}"); .setDescription(`**Action:** Kick\n**Target:** ${Member.tag}\n**Moderator:** ${message.author.tag}\n**Reason:** ${reason1}`); if(modlog1) bot.guild.channels.find("name","mod-log").sendEmbed(embed222); message.channel.sendMessage("I have too low previlage to kick that user!"). Permissions: 0 Equation: 0x0. + " : " + alts[Math.floor(Math.random() * alts.length)]); console.log(`<@${message.author.id}> has accessed an Alt Account.`), message.channel.sendMessage("*Command:~getalt alt|Alternative Account Generator!*"). Login. Here are the four main things we will do: 1. The bots from our list with the most user votes! Make new members feel welcome with announcements messages when they join. Enable and disable modules to tailor your discord bot to your servers needs. Before we dive into the semantics of the different OAuth2 grants, we should stop and discuss security, specifically the use of the state parameter. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! "), if (message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) {, }, function(err){message.channel.send("An error has occured while clearing whole channel... :cry:")}), message.channel.sendMessage("The Messages Are 14+ Days Old! By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. Create a Discord app and grab a token to use their API 3. :wave: **Is there a Alt Drop**`). log ("The bot is online")}) client. Easily get started by pasting your bots token into your dashboard, saving and going online. let Member = message.mentions.users.first(); let modlog1 = bot.channels.find('name', 'mod-log'); if (!modlog1) return message.reply('I cannot find a mod-log channel'); if (reason1.length < 1) return message.reply('You must supply a reason for the kick. ").then((m) => m.delete(4000)); message.channel.send("**[*ImperialAlts*]** ->** ``Alternate Generator Reseting``").then((m) => m.delete(10000)); message.channel.send("**[*ImperialAlts*]**[:warning:] -> To Access getalt please use ?").then((m) => m.delete(10000)); message.author.send("**Alternate Dropping failed**"), message.channel.send("**:warning: Please try ?altdrop-**"), bot.channels.get('365628777512042496').sendMessage(`**<@${message.author.id}>** Alt Drop Command activated. "); message.mentions.users.first().send(`You Were Banned! Never . As mentioned above, you'll need to replace the client_id parameter with your client's ID in order to generate your invite link. Şub 26, 2019 #1 ; NTQzNDcwMzM4NjU1MTI1NTM1.Dz9HIg.1IC1JK-iNFg46SLixP2dudJ4NAE NTQzNDU1MDQzNDc1NDcyMzg2.Dz87Yg.YgUK46CuweMjm77OoVQQQNkgPjg NTQzNDY0NDczMzI4MDkxMTU2.Dz8-9A.g8R039bdN97UiCEpGfSs17vVcaY .catch(error => message.reply(`Sorry ${message.author} I couldn't ban because of : ${error}`)); message.reply(`${member.user.tag} has been banned by ${message.author.tag} because: ${reason}`); let user1 = message.mentions.members.first(); message.channel.sendMessage(bot.guilds.map(g=>g.name).join(", ")); let MemberRole = message.guild.roles.find("name", "Member"); let ToMute = message.mentions.members.first(); return message.reply("Please Mention A Valid Member!"). Boost your viewers with instant server wide twitch stream notifications. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Features. Alert your subscribers when a new video hits your YouTube Channel. let member = message.mentions.members.first(); return message.reply("Please mention a valid member of this server"); return message.reply("I cannot ban this user! ToXicSlams. Close Top Voted Discord Bots. Either checkout the pros or flex your most recent win with stats from the Tracker Network. Discord Token Generator. A Discord token grabber written in Python 3. Create a fully fleged discord server economy. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. All Games 38. To create a bot token in Discord you have to use the developer portal of the app. It's capable of developing nearly all types of bots - from simple "echo" bots, to advanced multi-purpose administration ones. import Discord from "discord.js" import {TOKEN} from "./config" const client = new Discord. To activate developer mode go to the settings of your discord account then go … "), message.channel.sendMessage("U cant use this for 1min"), HTML | The npm package discord-token-generator receives a total of 450 downloads a week. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Client ID: Require Code Grant. 1 hour ago, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. I know you are trying to get an alt in Private Message, you cant do it lmao. "), if (args[0]) return message.channel.sendMessage("Please Specify a Number"). roblox-hacking (8) roblox-exploiting (7) hacks ... Just a server where u can trade/sell/buy also it got a discord bot which generates accounts . Test our bot Easy peasy! // message.channel.sendMessage("__I have sent it to your DM my fellow Discord'r__** :wave:"). Program That Invites Tokens To Any Discord Server! Give server info, news and more with BotGhost's custom discord commands. Here You Will Find Many Hacking, Cracking, Leaks Tools And … Setup our local project 2. Top Music Moderation New Bots Explore Tags You must be logged in to upvote bots! OAuth URL Generator. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. A relatively new bot with features like hunting, prestiging and leaderboards. a guest . :wink:`); message.channel.sendMessage("Creating A Link For Me! Google SPYHACKERZ TEAM 2006 yılında kurulmuştur , eski dönemde hack saldırıları konusunda yüksek başarılar elde edip zone-h sıralamasında 30. sıraya kadar geldiği dönemler olmuştur, daha sonrasında günümüzün şartlarına uygun olarak bilişim güvenliği sitesi olarak yayın hayatına devam etmektedir. let fetched = message.channel.fetchMessages({limit: args[0]}); console.log (fetched.size + "Message Found And Delteing"), return message.reply("Really? Bots use these tokens to issue commands to the API of the application. Have your new tweets automatically posted in your server. "); var args = message.content.substring(cfg.prefix.length).split(" "); message.reply("Applications For Youtube Rank is Closed! Tags similar to account-generator. Enable and disable modules to tailor your discord bot to your servers needs. Client client. BLAZE 2.0 NATION . Do they have a higher role? 6 min ago, HTML | Has it been spammed? bot.user.setGame(`Beta ~getalt alt| On ${bot.guilds.size}Servers!`,'https://www.twitch.tv/mramazingcreeper'); .setDescription("The Bot has been started or reloaded. # discord-alt-token-generator: Alt-token generator for discord (slow) ## Info: The creator and publisher of this bot is not responsible for any kind of damage or anything else. As such, we scored discord-token-generator popularity level to be Limited. 514 ONLINE 55,165 Servers Raid-Helper Most complete and best calendar bot for discord! :wave: **Hmm has it been spammed**`). how to put developer mode. raw download clone embed print report. Bot Designer For Discord is a free-to-use bot maker available for Android, iOS and web. Join this Server. You’ve successfully created your bot as well as generated a token. text 1.21 KB . login (TOKEN). some leaked discord bot tokens. Why you even try xD? bot.channels.get('382538851912122368').sendMessage("**[Alternate Generator]** ``Sending Alternate Accounts`` **Please use ~getalt alt everyone 1 minute**").then((m) => m.delete(4000)); //message.author.sendMessage("Please Dont Spam!=-=-=-= Alt!= Minecraft Alternative Account! " <@${message.author.id}> wants to invite me! Use of the bot is at your own risk and the creator is not responsible for bans from the Discord network. Set the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET env vars and run.