Note that once you reach level 120 for the first time, your level will go down to 60 and you'll have a silver M emblem by your name. Perfect Rates! Anywhos.. These figures are to be used as a guide. Elementors have the largest variety of second job skills, all of which are understandably element based and build up to stronger, sometimes combined versions. I wrote this guide to help aspiring Jesters. As a Battle Rm, I have 14 pks, and I do pick arena fights and come out victorious. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. At level 151, a Blade will evolve into a Slayer. At 60, the second job options for Magicians are Psykeeper and Elementor. Let's talk about how to build a Bow Jester. For example, if your sword has strength +2, each level it will gain strength +2 until level 120 where it will have strength +240. As a vagrant STR is the only stat that is really needed. Insanity MMORPG is a free flyff online private server for MMORPG fantasy game free to play - Insanity MMORPG Free Server The AoE Knight is considered as one of the best, and definitely one of the easiest to control AoE Classes in Flyff. Four pieces of armor, two weapons or a weapon and a shield, five pieces of jewelry, four pieces of cosmetic clothing called "Fashion," a mask, and a cloak. YOYO-Jester build. Simple as so.== Introduction ==Merk-Only Rm… The next series will be filled with epic hunts with friends! At level 151, a Knight will evolve into a Templar. 1 Weapon 2 Armor 3 Jewelry 4 Miscellaneous Sword Axe Yoyo Bow Staff Wand Knuckle Stick Shields Vagrant Armor Acrobat Armor Jester Armor Ranger Armor Mercenary Armor Knight Armor Blade Armor Magician Armor Elementor Armor Psykeeper Armor Assist Armor … Provides the user with increased Critical Damage in the expense of PvE Damage. Play Oldschool v15 Flyff - one of the first games to introduce free roaming flight in an ... Two spots will be available, mid level and high level. And what has been shown, what I’ve done. More Guides: Blade Guide Ranger Guide Billposter 1v1 Guide Hey there! At level 15, you can choose between the versatile Assist class, the agile Acrobat class, the hardy Mercenary class, or the mystifying Magician class. An Elementor uses a staff, which will be two handed until 151. ADoCH is an option suitable for both PvE and PvP. Acrobat / Jester in-depth guide, pros & cons, builds, skills, awakenings, gear and general tips! I am aware by now this guide is outdated with the new skill system, i just need a free day to make all the calculations again and put them here, just wait ^_~ First of all: Thank you zande for an awesome guide, helped my yoyo jester a lot with the Leveling. At level 151, an Elementor becomes an Arcanist, which unlocks their EVA Storm spell, their strongest AoE. A Ranger will wield a bow to be able to use the skills of his class. At 60, the second job options for Assists are Ringmaster and Billposter. A Crackshooter unlocks more buffs and their strongest AoE, Condor Dive. Insanity FlyFF Official Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I wrote Go to Darkon town and find [Jester Master] Lorein, then do all the Quest for change job. Congratulations! At level 45, you can opt for a Hyper/Cruiser set.. They are base stat points. These guides are viable and updated for the v19 version of FlyFF! At level 60, you may choose one of two secondary jobs for your respective class chosen at 15. Attack a target from behind. A slightly more in-depth synopsis of these options will follow the image. First you need to choose what kind of ringmaster you want to be, follow the build, get the weps and armor, and go on a ramage. 400Px: 400px: 400px: 400px: 4 Level Defense Jesis Set (Male) Jenes Set (Female) Icon Name Icon Name 105: 326 - 328 Jesis Helmet: Jenes Helmet: 382 - 384 Jesis Boots: Jenes Boots: 494 - 495 Finally, at 151, you may upgrade to the "final form" of your class. At level 20, the Stonehand skill unlocks which is an extremely useful skill, as it stuns both monsters and players you're fighting. Increases PvP Damage, Decreases Health Points for a duration. Decreases the Casting Time of skills and Lowers HP for a short duration. A Blade is known for having the highest "DPS" (Damage Per Second) in the game when you choose to wield two weapons. Insanity Flyff GUIDE - How to level to 300 Watch Video. Because of his tremendous HP and Defense, he can take up loads of mobs and won't die with proper gear. If it is used on two stats, it means that points should be spent evenly between them. It is important to note that a bow will receive more damage from placing stat points in "DEX" (dexterity) than STR. Guilds in Insanity Flyff are small groups of players with similar goals and interests. It is at level 119 and again at level 91M that a Jester would have the 250 stat points necessary to achieve 100% crit rate. Magicians are known for their ability to clear large groups of monsters and debuff their foes in battle. Here... FlyFF - Assist & Billposter 1v1 Full Guide. Flyff Jesters Guide. 4 years ago.. Staffs will be two-handed until level 151. At level 151, a Ranger will evolve into a Crackshooter. Normally players do not include the skill build when discussing builds. A Knight is the "tankiest" class of the game, boasting the highest HP ratio when you choose to wield a Destroyer. I'd reccomend sticking with the NPC Equips, Bows and Armor.. You'll still kill fast, and you will not die!. Chance to Stun target. There are two styles of Billposters. If you use a sword and shield as a Templar for the "1v1" approach, you'll notice easier HP scaling than your fellow hitters, but a much slower attack speed. Equipment consists of anything which can be used by a character to further enhance their aesthetics or combat power -- sometimes both! For PvP, there are ones who build to boost their damage with the skill Asalraalaikum. This page was last edited on 15 February 2020, at 02:30. You'll start off as the basic newbie class, the Vagrant, and from there you'll change into another once you have a good concept of how the game is played.. You will start off with four classes to choose from, and later in the game you'll be able to choose two others depending on your preference. Ringmasters unlock their own unique skill called Merkaba Hanzelrusha which is a stackable AoE skill that benefits from INT for damage. Edit: Read before going on . As with almost any game, you have the choice to pick out classes at certain levels. More Guides: Jester Guide Ranger Guide Blade Guide Hey ... FlyFF - Hold'em 2015 - Krispy Royale. The more popular guilds will participate in end game content like Guild Siege or Secret Room(SR). Join us NOW !! Target cannot use Attacking Magic Skills requiring MP for a short duration. An acrobat may wield a "Yo-Yo" or a bow. They have a slightly higher than average HP scaling, to stick by their friends in battle and either heal their allies or apply a damage doubling Holy Cross to the enemy. Once you become a Psykeeper, your combat stance will cause you to levitate, a purely cosmetic effect. Harlequins gain a few buffs, and the Pandemonium skill. you are now a Jester!. Increases Critical Damage and PvE Damage for a duration. Low exp Why is this important, Saint Morning, or Mercenary... `` XXX '' is commonly used in builds, and Siege ; 1.2 Timeline ; 1.3 Rewards ; 2 Guild! Warning: Should you De-Level during the second job change quest at any point, you must Re-Level to Level 60 before you can continue the quest. Now, you'll level up to 121 again and become a Hero! However, a 1v1 "ADoCH" YJ is also a viable build, especially in PvE. Psykeepers are not a common choice in Insanity, despite their relative cheapness and major PvE boosts from their skills. 1 Classes 1.1 Leveling 1.2 Mercenary: Knight to Templar or Blade to Slayer 1.3 Acrobats: Ranger to Crackshooter or Jester to Harlequin 1.4 Assists: Ringmaster to Seraph or Billposter to Forcemaster 1.5 Magicians: Psykeepers to Mentalists or Elementors to Arcanists 2 Skills 2.1 Mercenary As with almost any game, you have the choice to pick out classes at certain levels. At level 151, a Jester will evolve into a Harlequin. File:Jester Silence.png Silence: Yo-Yos: 120H None : File:Normalskill.gif: Selected Target only Target cannot use Attacking Magic Skills requiring MP for a short duration. File:CraftsmanWisdom.png Scroll of Craftsman Wisdom: Used for giving your Weapon or Shield a random extra stat. The Acrobat receives slightly higher block rate from DEX than other classes will, and it also has a very pivotal skill called "Dark Illusion" which makes you invisible for a few seconds. All of their damaging skills scale off of INT. "XXX" is commonly used in builds, and it means all stat points not already used should be spent on that stat. Creating a guild is easy! The four Stats used in Insanity are STR = Strength, STA = Stamina, DEX = Dexterity and INT = Intelligence. I wrote this guide to help aspiring Jesters. At level 151, a Billposter will evolve into a Forcemaster. A Jester will wield "Yo-Yo's" and is primarily used for the Hit of Penya skill in PvP, alongside Pandemonium and the ability to counter damage and turn invisible. Fly For Eclipse. 300 and enable you to farm and acquire your endgame gear. A bow will require arrows which may be purchased at a [General] NPC. At 60, the second job options for Acrobats are Ranger and Jester. There will be several classes for you to choose from. Level 15 - 60: Your very first days as an Acrobat, Fun times!. A Slayer has a few new buffs and an AoE. More Guides: Jester Guide Ranger Guide Blade Guide Hey ... FlyFF - Hold'em 2015 - Krispy Royale. At level 151, a Ringmaster evolves into a Seraph. Maintaining and managing a guild can be a challenge so, they tend to specialize around one or two aspects of the game. Check out a complete guide to Slayers PvP or PvE here, written by forum user "dolgrym." Each of these serves their own unique purpose in the later stages of the game, and more details can be found below the class tree image. A well-geared Hero Knight can get up to 60k HP without a Pet. Fly for Fun Jesters Guide by thief. (Well... you can Fs if you want too xD) Ringmaster can and will be killing machines if done right. Flyff Jesters Guide. Knuckles are one-handed and may be wielded with a shield. Character: Onmicrag This class is considered one of the cheapest and most effective, as you will only need to purchase and upgrade one weapon, as well as you will receive both block and damage from DEX because you're using a bow. Server Time: 12:01 AM. At level 151, a Psykeeper becomes a Mentalist. The maximum level on Insanity is 300. A Ringmaster is the healer of the game, casting their skills with sticks. Welcome to the last episode of the Insanity Flyff Leveling guide! » Flyff Jesters Guide. Most people think that Ringmasters are only made for Full support work, Holy Crossing, and even slaves in some cases. However, this set becomes obsolete at 75 for Rangers, and 90 for Jesters. Insanity MMORPG is a free flyff online private server for MMORPG fantasy game free to play - Insanity MMORPG Free Server Hey, this is RaytheRogue from the Lawolf Cluster. Strengthens the attack of a Yo-Yo by consuming penya. More Guides: Jester Guide Ranger Guide Blade Guide Hey ... FlyFF - Hold'em 2015 - Krispy Royale. At 60, the options for second jobs of a Mercenary are Blade and Knight. They have the option of using staffs or wands with shields. Seraphs have a skill which boosts their EXP gain rate significantly. A mercenary has the option of wielding one-handed swords or one-handed axes and a shield. You are now level 60 [Master]. Jesters receive an astonishing amount of Crit Rate per point of DEX. Sticks level 15-121 are two-handed, while any beyond that are one-handed. You can too! It uses a mixture of current MP, STR, and good timing to deliver a sometimes instant kill. These guides are viable and updated for the v19 version of FlyFF! Each time the weapon levels, the base stat will be added to the current stat, up until the max level of 120. Both Hero and Master level unlock a new skill for you, and this is the only time your level will fall besides by dying. After doing all the quest for change job, now talk to [Jester Guardian] Heingard. File:Neisset.gif Level Defense Neis Set (Male) Nation Set (Female) File:Nationset.gif; Icon Name Icon Name 105: 326 - 328 File:Cryanh.png: Neis Helmet Remember, to talk with an NPC, click on them with the mouse. Becoming a Templar unlocks skills for both two handed and one handed gameplay. So I decided to write a Guide. ~Corrected and Hosted by xCloudy The AoE Knight is a very good AoE Class for Beginners. The Jester job change is divided into four parts, each part requiring a specific task to be performed successfully to reach the next part. A Psykeeper uses a wand and a shield as they debuff and harass their enemies with fast casting spells. These guides are viable and updated for the v19 version of FlyFF! Well.. THER'YE DEAD WRONG! Figting in Treasia. A Billposter swings a heavy Knuckle around with a shield. They are a popular choice for bulk farming monsters that drop Penya, as well as fine performers in PvP where they aim for groups of enemies to strike all at once. I have been through almost every possible build as a Jester, and I have seen what people say. Classes. At level 15 you can choose between the jobs in green. An assist may wield a Stick or a "Knuckle." So now, you're jester already. But first, the bow Jester is one of the best classes in Flyff. Slice and dice your enemies with a medium attack speed and high damage output from swinging two weapons, but be careful as you may have to sacrifice damage to reach higher block or HP in certain situations, unless you choose to wield a shield and give your skills a whirl. They have the fastest auto attack speed. Here... FlyFF - Assist & Billposter 1v1 Full Guide. When you finish your first job your stat points are reset to 15 and the points are returned to your point bank so that you may redistribute them according to your job choice. This skill is very powerful, and therefore a Ringmaster is a viable option as a solo boss hunter. More Guides: Blade Guide Ranger Guide Billposter 1v1 Guide Hey there! Automation tools or bots can be easily spotted because the … Buildsare how a player spends their stat or skill points. Your character can wear up to 17 pieces of gear at a time. Below is a class tree. Mentalists have a few new debuffs and two very strong skills. Both of these weapons are two-handed, so you will not be able to use a shield with them. Mercenary: Knight to Templar or Blade to Slayer, Acrobats: Ranger to Crackshooter or Jester to Harlequin, Assists: Ringmaster to Seraph or Billposter to Forcemaster, Magicians: Psykeepers to Mentalists or Elementors to Arcanists. Crafting. Forcemasters receive a few extra buffs. If you are going Jester, I'd reccomend getting the Hyper/Cruiser set for sure.