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rhodesian ridgeback entwicklungsphasen
Er ist Mitglied im VDH (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen) und in der FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale). Der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist keine einfache und alltägliche Hunderasse. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, … A Realistic Drawing of a Rhodesian Ridgeback - 'Adorable guilt' - Duration: 2:55. "Pan-African News Wire: The Relevance of the Anti-sanctions Campaign in Zimbabwe", "S2A3 Biographical Database of Southern African Science", "The men who created the Rhodesian Ridgeback dog we know today? Haltung. The ears have been described both as erect but later described as hanging due to interbreeding with European dogs, but the most distinctive feature was the length of hair often growing in the reverse direction along its back. Von Erziehung und Pflege bis Züchter und Welpenkauf. Die Ridegbacks beschützten die Siedlungen und das Vieh vor wilden Tieren und halfen den Ureinwohnern b… Zucht [Stracke, Petra, Heinemann, Hilke] on inhoud Rhodesian Ridgeback 1.lief vind 2.mooie beeste 3.zelf 4.jullie niet kennen 5.OMDAT IK HEM MIS waarom de naam mijn Doel is om jullie meer te laden weten over een Rhodesian Ridgeback reu en een teef? Several large dogs of European origin, including mastiffs, and hounds like the Great Dane (considered to be the closest cousin of this bre… The presence of black guard hairs or ticking is not addressed in the AKC standard, although the elaboration of the AKC standard notes the amount of black or dark brown in the coat should not be excessive. mijn hond HET RAS karakter PRONKRUG SCHOFTHOOGTE kinderen andere honden makkelijk dingen te leren? Die Sozialisierungsphase ist die Phase mit den größten Veränderungen im Leben des Welpen. [18] The FCI standard states that excessive black hairs throughout the coat are highly undesirable. Seine Ahnen können zurückverfolgt werden zur Kapkolonie, wo sie sich mit den Hunden der frühen Pioniere vermischten als auch mit den halbdomestizierten Hottentottenhunden, die einen Rückenkamm hatten. [1] Its forebears can be traced to the ridged hunting dogs of the Khoikhoi, which were crossed with European dogs by the early colonists of the Cape Colony of southern Africa. Vor 30+ Tagen. Er ist Jagd- und Wachhund wie auch ein unglaublich treuer und vertrauensvoller Familienhund. Rhodesian Ridgeback-NEUES 2020 (1) Wissenswertes (112) Zitate, Satiren, Geschichten und mehr … (91) Organisationen. Von diesen Hunden haben sie auch ihren charakteristischen Rückenkamm, den sogenannten „Ridge“, geerbt. Van Rooyen saw Helm's pair of bitches and decided to breed his own dogs with them to incorporate their guarding abilities. Es ist schön auf deutschlands Wegen immer mehr dieser tollen Hunde zu sehen. The emphasis is on agility, elegance and soundness, with no tendency towards massiveness. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Rhodesian Ridgebacks of Dao Phu Quoc. Haltung. The ridgeback ranks number six in terms of most affected breeds for thyroid problems recorded by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Rhodesian Ridgeback: Lesen Sie hier, welche Züchter aktuell Welpen dieser Rasse abgeben. White is acceptable on the chest and toes. The original breed standard was drafted by F. R. Barnes, in Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), in 1922, who named the breed the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Bilder 2020 . [21], Despite Rhodesian Ridgebacks being extremely athletic and sometimes imposing, they do have a sensitive side. [9] They became the foundation stock of a kennel which developed dogs over the next 35 years with the ability to bay a lion, to not attack it but to harass it by darting in and out but staying out of its reach until the hunter shot it. It is not as common as a black nose; some breeders believe the inclusion of brown noses in a breeding program is necessary for maintaining the vibrancy of the coat. Made with love. Robert. Abscessed dermoid sinuses will be at best a recurrent, painful problem, and if the sinus communicates with the tissues around the spinal cord, cause meningitis and often death. Two nose colors are permissible, black and liver. [32], Hypothyroidism is a growing problem in the Rhodesian Ridgeback, and this condition causes a multitude of symptoms, including weight gain and hair loss. Contemporary breeders are increasingly opting for surgical sterilisation of these offspring to ensure they will not be bred but can live into maturity as non-showing, non-breeding pets. Man beschloss, dass dieser „Sohn Afrikas“ rot bis weizenfarben sein sollte, beweglich, stark, ein kraftvoller Hund, wie er eben heute ist. [28] In 2014, the UK breed survey reported an average lifespan of 11 years. 77974 Meißenheim - Kürzell Telefon: 0049 162-4934557 EMail: Rhodesian Ridgeback vom Goldbach. Select Your Cookie Preferences. According to the test results in practice, it appears that the ridge genetics in Rhodesian ridgebacks is not so simple and is characterized by incomplete manifestation of ridge gene (more info here). Ursprünglich wurde der Rhodesian Ridgeback als Arbeitshund der Großwildjäger gezüchtet, er fand aber auch schnell Anerkennung als geschätzter Wachhund, der Eindringlinge aus Farmen und Plantagen abschreckte. Buy Rhodesian Ridgeback: Geschichte. Rhodesian Ridgeback-NEUES 2017 (23) Rhodesian Ridgeback-NEUES 2018 (42) Rhodesian Ridgeback-NEUES 2019 (12) Wissenswertes (112) Zitate, Satiren, Geschichten und mehr … (91) Organisationen. So langsam hat sich eine echte Fangemeinde um den Rhodesian Ridgeback entwickelt. [23], The genotype responsible for the ridge was recently found by a consortium of researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Nicolette Salmon Hillbertz, Göran Andersson, et al. Der Stamm der Khoikhoi schrieb diesem breiten Haarstrich besondere Eigenschaften zu und sie glaubten, dass ihre Hunde deshalb so furchtlos seien. Parker, Heidi G., et al. Rhodesian Ridgeback vom Goldbach … Traditionally, many ridgeback puppies were culled at birth for numerous reasons, including ridgelessness. Gerade weil er so vielfältig ist, ist die Rhodesian Ridgeback Erziehung nicht immer die leichteste; dafür aber umso wichtiger. Eine kurze Geschichte des Rhodesian Ridgeback. They are typically somewhat aloof to strangers; this is not to be confused with aggression, a Rhodesian Ridgeback with a good temperament will not attack a stranger for no reason. Diese Entscheidung fiel auf einer Farm in Bulawayo im heutigen Simbabwe. It was pointed out on the BBC One investigative documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed that the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain's "code of ethics", which is ratified annually by the kennel club states that "Ridgeless puppies shall be culled",[25] and that "mismarked" puppies will only ever be sold on condition that they are never shown, and are neutered. Expressive eyes reflect the sensitive spirit of this large, intelligent dog who loves to run and play. Gut ausgelastet, ist er im Erwachsenenalter ein ruhiger, aufmerksamer Hausgenosse. Vereinsübergreifende Rhodesian Ridgeback Plattform mit Forum, Chat, Züchtertafeln, Ausstellungsergebnissen und Wurfmeldungen. Animals who are at risk for the disease should not be bred to other animals at risk, as this creates future generations of this debilitating disease. Ein Welpe durchläuft nach seiner Geburt verschiedene Entwicklungsphasen. Barnes entschied sich dabei dafür, den alten Standard für Dalmatinerhunde als Grundlage für die allererste Beschreibung des Ridgebacks zu wählen und fällte damit die klare Entscheidung, dass dies eine Rasse von klassischen Jagdhundeproportionen sein sollte. Der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist gegenwärtig, mit dem Basenji, die einzige anerkannte Rasse, die dem südlichen Afrika entstammt. It might be biologically explained that ridge gene is suppressed (incomplete penetrance of ridge gene). Other dog breeds also have a reverse line of fur along the spine, including the Phu Quoc ridgeback dog and Thai ridgeback. Meist in Gruppen von zwei oder drei Hunden jagend, war die ursprüngliche Aufgabe des Rhodesian Ridgebacks Großwild, hauptsächlich Löwen, aufzuspüren und mit großer Behändigkeit am Stand zu halten, bis der Jäger herangekommen war. [citation needed]. Vegetative Phase (1. und 2. Coffie Khaleesi of white Fairy Touch. Diese Website benutzt Cookies. Richard Southall. [12] Outside the subcontinent and internationally, the first Rhodesian Ridgebacks in Britain were shown by Mrs. Edward Foljambe in 1928. Johanna. A little white on the chest and toes is permissible. Corporate pictures for Röntgen Bender, one of the biggest sellers of radiological accessories in Germany. Kennel Taka Yadumu Petra Kayser Kürzeller Hauptstraße 7a. kinderen/honden makkelijk dingen te leren? "Genomic Analyses Reveal the Influence of Geographic Origin, Migration, and Hybridization on Modern Dog Breed Development." The Khoikhoi people who lived in the Cape Peninsula when the Dutch began trading with the area during the mid 17th century, had a hunting dog which was described as ugly, but noted for its ferocity when acting as a guard dog. Der Rhodesian Ridgeback ist gegenwärtig , mit dem Basenji, die einzige anerkannte Rasse, die dem südlichen Afrika entstammt. This dog measured approximately 18 inches (46 cm) at the withers, with a lean but muscular frame. Ridgebacks are typically muscular and have a light wheaten to red wheaten coat, which should be short, dense, sleek and glossy in appearance, and neither woolly nor silky.[18]. However, it has been shown that supplementation of folic acid to the diet of the brood bitch before mating and during pregnancy reduces the incidence of dermoid sinus. Genetic analysis indicates that the Ridgeback and the Great Dane fall within the same genetic clade (group),[4] which implies the Dane's major contribution. Puppies should always be screened at birth by the breeder and veterinarian, and the examination repeated as the puppies grow before they go to their new homes. Der Rhodesian Ridgeback kommt ursprünglich aus dem südlichen Afrika und stammt von den domestizierten Hunden der Hottentotten ab. One of these is the guide qualified Rhodesian Ridgeback: Auswahl, Haltung, Erziehung, Beschäftigung (Praxiswissen Hund) By .This book gives the reader new knowledge and experience. Haltung. Ausbildung. [17] The Rhodesian Ridgeback's distinguishing feature is the ridge of hair running along its back in the opposite direction from the rest of its coat. Nina Bingemeier. Cell Reports 19.4 (2017): 697-708. In 1927, Barnes' standard was approved by the South African Kennel Union. Heterozygotes are detected by mating the animal in question to either known heterozygotes or known homozygous recessives (other methods exist such as mating to offspring, but result in inbred offspring) and a heterozygote is detected when a ridgeless pup is born. Familie dietz das sind mein Mann christian, unsere Hunde ilanga, alani, … The only disqualification in the AKC standard for this breed is "ridgelessness". [5], Reverend Charles Helm (1844–1915), son of Reverend Daniel Helm of the London Missionary Society, was born in the Cape Colony, joined the London Missionary Society himself, and moved from the Zuurbraak (now Suurbraak) mission station just east of Swellendam (modern Western Cape Province, South Africa) to the Hope Fountain Mission in Matabeleland, Southern Rhodesia, travelling from October 1874 to December 1875, then bringing two ridged dog bitches from somewhere between Kimberley (modern Northern Cape Province, South Africa) and Swellendam with him to Hope Fountain in 1879 en route to becoming, as it would turn out, a political advisor to King Lobengula, house-host to hunter-explorer Frederick Courteney Selous, postmaster of Bulawayo and well-appreciated tooth-extractor. The appearance standard of the Ridgeback originated in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) and goes back to the year 1922, and by 2019 this standard had remained virtually unchanged. Sheldene Fine Art 2,776 views. [3], By the 1860s, European colonisers had also imported a variety of mainly European dog breeds to this area of Africa, including such dedicated hunting dogs as Great Danes, Bloodhounds, Greyhounds, and Terriers. There is a DNA test available to test for the gene. The dog's nose should be black or liver in keeping with the colour of the dog. Ridgebacks sometimes have a dark mask. It is believed to originate from the dog used by the original African dog population which had a similar ridge. ), Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen. Using the genetic test, a breeder may accurately predict birth of ridgeless puppies. This is a potentially fatal condition that requires immediate treatment.[33]. They go to pieces with handling of that kind. Zucht by Stracke, Petra, Heinemann, Hilke (ISBN: 9783440101391) from Amazon's Book Store. Excessive black hair throughout the coat is undesirable. The original breed standard was drafted in 1922 by F. R. Barnes on founding the first Ridgeback Club at a Bulawayo Kennel Club show, then in Southern Rhodesia (now in Zimbabwe), and based on that of the Dalmatian. Fifteen Theme by InkHive. All Ridgebacks who possess two ridge genes have ridge and those who lack ridge gene (r/r) are ridgeless. Buy now! [15] In 1954 the first Challenge Certificates were awarded to dogs shown as Rhodesian Ridgebacks at United Kingdom competitions, toward their subsequent recognition by The Kennel Club of Great Britain,[15] and in 1955 the American Kennel Club recognised the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed[16] as a member of the hound group. Lebenswoche. Next project. Treatment for hypothyroidism in dogs consists of an inexpensive once-daily oral medication. Similarly, in 1952, The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain was founded at Crufts to promote the breed around the United Kingdom to show judges, so a standard for the breed might be recognised. Winston. ConceptNet 5 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.If you use it in research, please cite this AAAI paper. [10] These dogs were used to clear farmland of wild pigs and baboons, and they can kill a baboon independently of a human hunter's collaboration.[11]. However, while the few studies that have analyzed the issue do not agree on the incidence of ridgelessness within the breed, they all show a ridgeless rate significantly lower than 25%, which cannot be explained using the Punnett square model for single gene/two allele inheritance. [13] In 1950, Mr. and Mrs. William H. O'Brien of Arizona brought six carefully selected Ridgebacks to the US from South Africa. [6][7] At Hope Fountain, now part of the city of Bulawayo, fellow South African transplant Cornelis van Rooyen (b. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK vroeger waar werden ze vroeger voor gebruikt? Der Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Deutschland e.V. Signs of degenerative myelopathy are characterised at the beginning with foot dragging, and slipping of the rear limbs. Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. Rhodesian Ridgeback wurfplanung Frühjahr 2020 seit 2009 Züchten wir, der Kennel von jamali - ein Kleiner Zwinger in reken/Maria veen, Gesunde und wesensfeste... . The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog breed bred in the Southern Africa region. No other coloured nose is permissible. *FREE* shipping on eligible orders. Christian. Als Junghund ist er stürmisch, voller überschäumender Energie. Rhodesian Ridgeback The handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback dog breed was created in Africa to be a versatile hunter and home guardian. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Ausbildung. wurde als erster und ältester Zuchtbuch führender Club der Rasse im Jahre 1976 gegründet. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone. Although the colony flourished, the settlers wanted to start over as farmers. Waarom dit onderwerp wat is een ridgeback een soort hond 2.pronkrug This means that every dominant homozygote (R/R) has ridge. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is easy to spot among a canine crowd: He’s the one with the tiny Mohawk running down his spine. It consists of a fan-like area formed by two whorls of hair (called "crowns") and tapers from immediately behind the shoulders down to the level of the hips. The latter fact can cast doubt on the calling of male heterozygotes by this method and could possibly lead to the results shown in studies testing the mode of inheritance of ridgelessness. Note that many matings are required to have a high probability of detecting a homozygous dominant (once a ridgeless pup is produced, the animal in question is assumed to be heterozygous without question), and more than one sire can produce the pups in one litter. Züchter für Rhodesian Ridgeback 8 VORWORT Vorwort von Jan Nijboer Endlich ist ein Buch geschrieben … The standard was approved by the South African Kennel Union in 1927. Open in Lightbox Previous project. Ewa. Rhodesian Ridgeback. [19] Rhodesian Ridgebacks are strong-willed and confident dogs. A dark muzzle and ears permissible. Ausbildung. [34] This group recommends that breeders perform at least four health screenings: hips, elbows, thyroid and eyes, with cardiac and hearing tests optional. Buy Rhodesian Ridgeback: Geschichte. They require consistent training and correct socialization; they are often not the best choice for inexperienced dog owners. Seine Ahnen können zurückverfolgt werden zur Kapkolonie, wo sie sich mit den Hunden der frühen Pioniere vermischten als auch mit den halbdomestizierten Hottentottenhunden, die einen Rückenkamm hatten. Rhodesian ridgeback welpen. "[22] The Rhodesian Ridgeback accepts correction as long as it is fair and justified, and as long as it comes from someone the dog knows and trusts. This online book is made in simple word. Rhodesian Ridgeback richtig verstehen: Zusammenleben, Erziehung & Beschäftigung (German Edition) eBook: Jansen, Karin: Kindle Store Grundsätzlich gilt, je besser und mehr man v… [31], Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is a neurological disease of the spinal cord causing progressive paraparesis, most commonly in the German shepherd dog breed. These people of German and Dutch ancestry came to be known as Boers (a Dutch word meaning “farmers” or “husbandmen”). Male ridgebacks usually stand 25–27 in (64–69 cm) at the withers and weigh about 36.5 kg (80 lb) (FCI standard); females are typically 24–26 inches (61–66 cm) tall and about 32 kg (71 lb) in weight. Entwicklungsphasen des Hundes, Teil 2. Manuela. Sozialisierungsphase - in der 8. bis 12. Sie sind also entschlossen einen Hund zu sich zu nehmen und es soll ein Rhodesian Ridgeback sein. He’s not a barker, but a Ridgie will protect his family. Es erfolgt die Abnabelung vom Rudel. See Copying and Sharing ConceptNet for more details.Copying and Sharing ConceptNet for more details. This is important to the breed because lymphocytic thyroiditis is the overwhelming cause of hypothyroidism in ridgebacks. and the Broad Institute (Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, et al.).[24]. Its forebears can be traced to the ridged hunting dogs of the Khoikhoi, which were crossed with European dogs by the early colonists of the Cape Colony of southern Africa. [3][9], Rhodesian Ridgebacks are known to be loyal and intelligent. Entwicklungsphasen des Welpen; Ein Welpe kommt ins Haus; Gästebuch; Bilder 2021 . Some breed parent clubs and canine registries in Europe have even made the culling of ridgeless whelps a requirement. Fifteen Theme by InkHive. Die Farbdefinition der neuen Rasse mag dabei ein spontaner Geniestreich oder aber eine bewussten Assoziation an das, was „afrikanisch“ aussah gewesen sein, letztendlich haben wir so einen „Löwenhund“, der in seiner Farbe nicht weit abweicht vom rötlichen afrikanischen Boden – oder auch vom Löwen selbst. Select Your Cookie Preferences . Search for: Constantin.. Ebru. Francis R. Barnes, who wrote the first standard in 1922, acknowledged that, "rough treatment ... should never be administered to these dogs, especially when they are young. 2:55. [citation needed]. Preis prüfen . [citation needed], Like many other deep-chested breeds, ridgebacks are prone to gastric dilatation volvulus, commonly known as bloat. Zucht by Stracke, Petra (ISBN: 9783440122105) from Amazon's Book Store. It makes the reader is easy to know the meaning of the contentof this book. Umfassende Informationen über Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Rhodesian ridgeback-züchter "oakhill ridgeback" Gunzenhausen (gem. Familie Müntzenberg und ihre Rhodesian Ridgebacks © Der Rhodesian Ridgeback hat kein Problem damit, seine eigenen Wege zu gehen oder selbständig Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wir haben uns daher genauer mit der Hunderasse auseinandergesetzt und Tipps, Tricks und Allgemeines zu einer guten Erziehung des Rhodesian Ridgeback zusammen getragen. It is good natured, but some do not do well with small children because they may play too roughly and knock them down. Umfassende Informationen über Rhodesian Ridgebacks. © 2019 Rhodesian Ridgeback Kennel Lion Hounds. The eyes should be round and should reflect the dog's colour: dark eyes with a black nose, amber eyes with a brown (liver) nose. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog breed bred in the Southern Africa region. Progression has been known to take as little as six months, or several years. Vereinsübergreifende Rhodesian Ridgeback Plattform mit Forum, Chat, Züchtertafeln, Ausstellungsergebnissen und Wurfmeldungen Welpen kaufen.Augen auf beim Welpenkauf! One possible reason for these studies to deviate from the expected 25% incidence of ridgelessness is inclusion of parents who were not heterozygous (possessing a copy of both the ridgeless and ridged allele) in the study. Francis Richard Barnes, der Initiator dieses Treffens beabsichtigte hiermit wohl, den Standard eines echten eingeborenen afrikanischen Hundes festzulegen, indem er einige Musterhunde eines Phänomens auswählte, das bereits fest verankert war und das ihm dadurch das formale Existenzrecht in der Familie der Rassehunde sicherte. Light wheaten to red wheaten. [26] It was only after the publicity surrounding the promotion of culling that they reversed their code of ethics to say "no healthy puppy will be culled". Entwicklungsphasen des Welpen. [29] One study on the Swedish population estimates that 8-10% are affected. The ridge is usually about 2 inches (51 mm) in width at its widest point. During the mid-1600s, Dutch traders set up a colony and shipping hub at the Cape of Good Hope. The dermoid is often likened to a thin "spaghetti strand" beneath the skin. 1860, Uitenhage, modern Eastern Cape Province, South Africa), a big–game hunter, was married to Maria Vermaak of Bloemhof by Reverend Helm in 1879 the same year Helm brought his two rough-coated grey-black bitches to the Mission. Robert. Rent and save from the world's largest eBookstore. [14] He and his wife and Margaret Lowthian of California began the process of getting the breed accepted by the American Kennel Club. (continued from Dec/Jan Bundu Times) – Rhodesian Association of WA (RAWA)", "Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Great Britain", "Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog Breed Information", "Rhodesian Ridgeback Dog Breed Information and Personality Traits - History:", "American Kennel Club - Rhodesian Ridgeback", "Rhodesian Ridgeback Temperament: What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em", "The Other End of the Leash Understanding Our Complex Hounds", RESPONSE TO BBC PROGRAMME "PEDIGREE DOGS EXPOSED", "Overview and Prevalence of Genetic Defects in the Rhodesian Ridgeback", "A retrospective study of the prevalence of the canine degenerative myelopathy associated superoxide dismutase 1 mutation (SOD1:c.118G > A) in a referral population of German Shepherd dogs from the UK", "Rhodesian Ridgeback Comprehensive Health Survey Home Page",, Use South African English from November 2017, All Wikipedia articles written in South African English, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Short and dense, sleek and glossy in appearance. The sequencing of ancient dog genomes indicates that the southern African Rhodesian Ridgeback retains 4% pre-colonial ancestry. Robert. Bob Ross - Winter Frost (Season 10 Episode 12) - Duration: 27:45. and ridge is not formed on the back. Males range in height from 25 to 27" (85 pounds, 38 kilograms) and females from 24 to 26 inches (70 pounds, 32 kilograms). Rhodesian Ridgeback vom Goldbach. Also great majority (>95%) of heterozygotes (R/r) have ridge, but few (<5%) of heterozygotes are ridgeless. The brown nose is a recessive gene. Amber. Rhodesian Ridgeback richtig verstehen: Zusammenleben, Erziehung & Beschäftigung for £39.89. The disease progresses to the point where the animal can no longer stand or walk on its own. Woche) In dieser Phase sind die Augen und Ohren noch geschlossen, der Geruchssinn ist noch nicht sehr stark entwickelt Übergangsphase (3. Janine. [2], Dermoid sinus is a congenital neural-tube defect that is known to affect this breed. However, the genetic test which distinguishes dominant homozygotes (R/R - two ridge genes) from heterozygotes (R/r - one ridge gene) is available ( This term refers to the purebred offspring of heterozygous parental animals that do not inherit a copy of the ridge mutation from either parent and are, in effect, normal dogs without a ridged back.
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